Anastasia Korezelidou
Assistentin / DoktorandinAssistentin / Doktorandin
Bernoullistrasse 28
Anastasia Korezelidou studied physiotherapy at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin and then completed a Master's degree in Health Services Research and Implementation Science in Healthcare at the University of Heidelberg.
She gained research experience during an internship abroad at the "Centre for Urban Mental Health" of the University of Amsterdam and during an internship at the Department of Psychiatry at Charité Berlin. As part of her Master's thesis, she evaluated the "Weddinger Modell" developed at Charité Berlin for inpatient psychiatry with regard to coercive measures. Additionally, she worked for two years as a research assistant at the Thoraxklinik of the Heidelberg University Hospital.
Anastasia's main research interests lie in improving healthcare through patient-centered and integrative care concepts. In August 2024, she started as a PhD student in the INSPIRE project, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Sabina De Geest and Dr. Maria José Mendieta. In this project, she contributes to the evaluation of a coordinated care program for older people in the canton of Basel-Landschaft. A particular focus here is on the application and expansion of her skills in the field of implementation science. By doing so, she aims to further develop this research discipline and promote the sustainable translation of innovations into care practice.