Current PhD Students

Nadine Beerli
Project: GERAS
Research topic: Exploring frailty and mild cognitive impairment in kidney transplantation to predict biomedical, psychosocial and health cost outcomes

Catherine Blatter
Research topic: Association of Staffing Patterns And Resident Safety Outcomes In Nursing Homes: A Longitudinal Analysis of Routine Data.

Luisa Eggenschwiler
Project: MaNtiS
Research topic: Maternal and neonatal salutogenic outcomes in association with midwifery staffing

Tania Teixeira Martins
Project: SPOTnat, SATURN
Research topic: Home care safety: Influencing factors and the relationship with clients' and employees' outcomes

Linda Wienands
Project: DARE
Research topic: Exploring ethical aspects in the qualitative process evaluation of eHealth

Maryam Ahmadi Shad
Projects: CroWis, TAILR
Research topic: The impact of nurse staffing and temporary working practices on nurse-sensitive events: A multi-method study in Switzerland and Iran.

Magdalena Osinska
Submitting Research Proposal

Michael Ketzer
Project: MatchRN Psychiatry
Research topic: Quality of care in Swiss psychiatric hospitals and its association with nurse staffing

Alisa Cantarero Fernandez
Project: FRED
Research topic: Steps towards a senior-FRiendly Emergency Department: context-driven, systematic implementation mapping, and evaluation in a Swiss University Hospital

Lea Saringer-Hamiti
Research topic: Developing and evaluating a nurse-led care model’s scalable unit (INTERSCALE) focusing on implementation strategies and measurement of implementation outcomes

Sofia Calado
Project: SQUEEZE
Research topic: The development, implementation and evaluation of an eHealth-powered integrated care model for rheumatoid arthritis: Context analysis at the EU level and evaluation of the effectiveness of the SQUEEZE care model.

Sarah Holzer
Resarch topic: Cost-effectiveness analysis of implementing an evidence-based intervention to reduce unplanned hospital transfers from long-term residential facilities (INTERSCALE).

Serena Siblio
Research topic: Implementing new medical quality indicators in the Swiss residential long-term care setting

Christina Wettengl
Project: SQUEEZE
Research topic: The development, implementation and evaluation of an eHealth-powered integrated care model for rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Context analysis of the Swiss RA care setting and evaluation of the implementation of the SQUEEZE care model

Marek Venený
Project: SMILe
Research topic: A multi-faceted evaluation of an eHealth facilitated integrated care model using systems, theory, and effectiveness perspectives

Nora Peduzzi
Submitting Research Proposal

Jan Müller
Project: INSPIRE
Submitting Research Proposal

Isabel Pfundstein
Project: AdvantAGE
Research topic: Transitional Care and Unplanned Readmissions in frail older adults

Aurora Monticelli
Project: ENGAGE
Submitting Research Proposal