Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge)

A CARE2004 bis 2006Gesundheitsversorgung und Gesundheitskosten von Asylsuchenden im Kanton Basel - Stadt
ABC2009 bis 2011Ascertaining Barriers for Compliance: policies for safe, effective and cost-effective use of medicines in Europe - EU 7th framework project
ANtiPain 2013 bis 2015Pilottestung der Implementierung einer Intervention für onkologische Patienten und Angehörige zur Unterstützung des Selbstmanagements von Schmerzen und damit assoziierten Symptomen
APN2013 bis 2015Framework zur Evaluation von APN
ARGon-M2019 bis 2022Antibiotikaresistenz und Gonorrhoe bei Männern, die Sex mit Männern haben: Patienten- und Versorgerperspektiven
bART 2011 bis 2014A Multicenter, non-interventional study to assess the barriers to initiation of antiretroviral treatment in treatment naïve HIV-1 infected subjects
BALANCE2013 bis 2020Promoting energy balance related behavior after liver transplantation
BehavDynamics-STI2019 bis 2022HIV, Hepatitis C und Syphilis: Erfahrungen und Umgang mit sexuell übertragbaren Erkrankungen bei Männern, die Sex mit Männern haben – eine qualitative Studie
BIH2012 bis 2016Strengthening Nursing in BiH
BRIGHT2012 bis 2024Building research initiative group: Chronic illness management and adherence in transplantation
B-SERIOUS-TX2011 bis 2015Brocher grant to determine solid organ transplant end-point model on relationships between influencing factors and outcomes of transplant selfmanagement behaviors)
CIMI- BRIGHT2008 bis 2010Chronic Illness Management Implementation ? Building Research Initiative Group: chronic illness management and adHerence in Transplantation
COMPARE 2014 bis 2016An approach to COMpare (current and new) Primary cARE models in Switzerland
DECODE 2006 bis 2007Decision control and adherence in kidney transplantation
DEMDEL 2008 bis 2012Effects of the Interdisciplinary Basel Delirium and Dementia Prevention and Management Program
DNQP Sturzprophylaxe2021 bis  2022Zweite Aktualisierung des Expertenstandards «Sturzprophylaxe in der Pflege»
DRG 2015 bis 2017Begleitfoschung Pflege
EAST 2008 bis 2013Enhancing Adherence to Immunosuppression in Liver Transplantation Phase I: Exploring Non Adherence
EuroPoPP2011 bis 2012MH European Profile of Prevention and Promotion in Mental Health
Family Gene Toolkit 2012 bis 2015Development and Testing of a Family-Based, Web-Based Intervention for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers and Their High-Risk Female Relatives
GERAS2016 bis 2024Exploring frailty and mild cognitive impairment in adult kidney transplant recipients to enhance risk prediction for biomedical, psychosocial, and health costs outcomes.
Going HCVree2016 bis 2020Development and testing of a counselling strategy in the framework of the "The Swiss HCVree Trial"
GTT KAIM2016 bis 2018Measuring adverse events in adult acute care settings with the Global Trigger Tool – a descriptive study
GTT ICU2016 bis 2017Adverse Events in the ICU adult setting: A descriptive study
GTT review2015 bis 2018Measuring adverse events in acute care settings - Systematic reviews on diagnostic accuracy, inter-rater reliability and implementation of the Global Trigger Tool
HaIP2015 bis 2021Healthcare associated influenza prevention study
HCV PosDev2013 bis 2015Positive deviance by persons with drug use in the continuum of Hepatitis C care
HEAL 2013 bis 2016The significance of the psychosocial work environment for care workers`perceived health, presenteeism, rationing of care, and job satisfaction: a sub-study of the swiss nursing home human resources project (shurp)
HEPROA 2012 bis 2013Hepatitis C Behandlung mit Proteasehemmern: Erfahrungen und Bedürfnisse von Patienten im Alltag
HIV TAC 2011 bis 2014HIV infected adolescents in transition to adult care
HOBS 2002 bis 2005Hospital Falls Observation Study
HONEST2022 bis 2024The Effects of wages on patient safety outcomes
IMMEDIAT2003 bis 2006Trägt interkulturelle Vermittlung zur Inklusion bei? Vergleich von Strategien und Praktiken im Gesundheits-, Sozial-, Erziehungs- und Rechtsbereich
INSPECT2019 bis 2021ImplemeNtation science State of research ProjECT 
INTERCARE2017 bis 2022Pflegegeleitetes Versorgungsmodell in Schweizer Pflegeinstitutionen: Verbesserung der interprofessionellen Pflege für bessere Bewohnerergebnisse
INVEST2018 bis 2021Investigating safety tipping points in Swiss hospitals: capacity utilization and adverse event detection using routine data
LEADERSHIP KOMPETENZEN 2008 bis 2012Evaluation Leadership Kompetenzen ­ bei Führungspersonen der Pflege
MAESTRO Study 2006 bis 2013Medication Adherence Enhancing Strategies in Transplantation (Strategien zur Verbesserung der Therapietreue bei Transplantationen)
MANOSS2018 bis 2021Management of patients with Systemic Sclerosis: A mixed methods study of the chronic illness management practice patterns
MatchRN2015 bis 2018Matching Registered Nurse services with changing care demands: Investigating the effects of the SwissDRGs implementation on safety and quality of nursing care in medical and surgical units (MatchRN) – a multicenter pre-post study design
Meta2010 bis 2013Analysis of Interventions to Improve Medication Adherence


2014 bis 2017

Alltagsethik in der spitalexternen Versorgung - Weiterentwicklung eines ethischen Entscheidungsfindungsmodells

nurses at work 2011 bis 2016Swiss longitudinal retrospective cohort study of nurses’ career paths and retention
OPTIMA II 2011 bis 2013Optimized Patient Transfer using an Innovative Multidisciplinary Assessment: The development, implementation, and evaluation of a hospital based nurse led unit for older patients at high biopsychosocial and low medical risk
OPTIMA NLU 2008 bis 2012A feasibility study to develop, implement and evaluate a hospital based nurse-led unit (NLU) for patients at high biopsychosocial and low medical risk
OTIS2005 bis 2006Computerized patient education in kidney transplantation. Testing the content validity and usability of the Organ Transplant Information System
PADONA 2007 bis 2008Prevalence and Determinants of Non-Adherence to Immunosuppressive Drugs in Renal Transplant Recipients / Pilotprojekt BRIGHT
PAMINA I 2007 bis 2008Pain Management in Neonates I – Machbarkeitsstudie: Variability in Pain Responses to a Non pharmacological Intervention across Repeated Routine Pain Exposure in Preterm Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU): A Feasibility Study
PAMINA II 2008 bis 2011Variability in pain responses to a non pharmacological intervention across repeated routine pain exposure in preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU): A randomized controlled trial
PAMINA III 2008 bis 2010Pain Management in Neonates III: Revalidierung des Berner Schmerzscores für Neugeborene
PAMINA IV 2009 bis 2011Do contextual factors influence pain reaction in preterm infants during heel stick across time? A systematic review and an explorative study
PAMINA V2011 bis 2013Pharmacological pain care of preterm infants in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). A qualitative study.
PARENT 2010 bis 2012The experience within the transition to parenthood after preterm birth and the impact on mental health three years later: A mixed methods approach
PASAF 2008 bis 2010PAatient SAfety climate and Falls
PASAI 2009 bis 2012PAtient SAfety climate and healthcare associated Infections
PEINCA2015 bis 2020Mixed methods study to test the efficacy of the adapted German PRO-SELF© Plus Pain Control Program, an intervention directed at outpatients with cancer and their family caregivers to reduce pain and related symptoms
PELICAN 2012 bis 2015Paediatric End-of Life CAre Needs in Switzerland
PELICAN III2013 bis 2015Health care providers‘ experiences and needs when delivering end-of-life care to children – a qualitative study
PELICAN HOME2013 bis 2015Paediatric End of Life Care Needs in the home care setting
PERMA 2006 bis 2012Perceived Symptom Manageability – The Analysis of a New Concept / PhD Projekt zu SOLEXA
PICASSO2013 bis 2019Is there a Preference for Interactive Health Technology Applications to Support Self-Management in Solid Organ transplant (Tx) recipients?
PICMA 2006 bis 2009Postnatal Infant Crying and Maternal Tiredness: Examining their evolution and interaction in the first 12 weeks postpartum
ProQuaS2015 bis 2018Identifizierung und Entwicklung von Schnittstellen zur Förderung der Lebensqualität von Bewohnerinnen und Bewohnern der Senevita
PROVIVO 2010 bis 2014Patient Reported Outcomes in view of symptom experience of late effects and self-management of adult long-term survivors after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation – A mixed methods study
PUSH2015 bis 2017Patientensicherheit Und Pflegequalität in Südtiroler KrankenHäusern (PUSH) – Eine mixed-method Studie zum Ausmaß, Art, Einflussfaktoren, Auswirkungen und ethischen Aspekten von Rationierung von Pflege
RANCARE2016 bis 2021Rationing – missed care: An international and multidimensional problem, RANCARE COST - Action 15208
RATIONAL2018 bis 2021Implicit rationing of nursing care among patiens in Lebaneese hospitals
RICH Nursing 2003 bis 2009Rationing of Nursing in Switzerland Study
RN4CAST2008 bis 2014Nurse Forecasting: Human Resources Planning in Nursing
SAnOS2023 bis 2024Swiss-Austrian Oncology Nurses Survey
SHCS Partner Study 2010 bis 2013Sexual behavior in HIV concordant and discordant partnerships within the Swiss HIV Cohort Study
SHURP2011 bis 2015Swiss Nursing Homes Human Resources Project
SHURP 20182017 bis 2022Swiss Nursing Homes Human Resources Project 2018
SleepTx 2010 bis 2013Daily Light Intervention in Renal Transplant Recipients having a Sleep Wake Dysregulation
SMART 2001 bis 2006Supporting Medication Adherence after Renal Transplantation


2019 bis 2023

Specialised paediatric palliative care: Assessing family, healthcare professionals and health system outcomes in a multi-site context of various care settings

SPOT2017 bis 2018Arbeitsumgebungsqualität in der Spitex Schweiz: Eine Pilotstudie
SPOTnat2019 bis 2024Einflussfaktoren auf die Koordination und Versorgungsqualität in der Spitex
SOLEXA2007 bis 2009Medication- and Symptom- Management in Persons Living with HIV: Perception and Collaboration of Persons Living with HIV, their Primary Support Persons and their Health Care Providers
STCS - Maturity2013 bis 2020Age at time of kidney transplantation as a predictor for patient and graft survival: a bio-psychosocial competing risks survival analysis of the Swiss transplant Cohort Study.
STCS - SAI2011 bis 2015Predictivity of Sociodemographic, Behavioral and Psychosocial Factors for Short-Term Clinical Tx Outcomes
SWIM HF 2002 bis 2006Schweizerisches interdisziplinäres Management Programm für Chronische Herzinsuffizienz
SYCAP2004 bis 2010Prevalence and evolution of symptom experience in cancer patients with focus on fatigue and anemia as its potential correlate
THES2014 bis 2021Transplantoux Health Evaluation Study
TRACR2022daTa dRiven Adjustment of Classifications of nuRsing care needs in Swiss hospitals
TRIAGE 2013 bis 2014Optimizing Triage and Hospitalisation In Adult General medical Emergency patients: the TRIAGE study
TRIANGLE2019 bis 2023Tri-national ethnographic multi-case study of quality of life in long-term residential care
USECARE2016Exploring effects and acceptance of an ICT-based self-management support system for patients with chronic conditions and informal caregivers on symptoms, clinical outcomes, behaviour change and quality of life: a pre-experimental study
WER@INSEL2015 bis 2020Entwicklung eines Vorhersagemodells für die Pflegepersonalausstattung mit Routinedaten auf der Schichtebene
WOMAN PRO 2009 bis 2012Creating and validating a patient reported outcome instrument to assess symptom experience related to surgical wounds in women with vulvar neoplasms – A mixed methods study
 2008 bis 2009Bedürfnisabklärung bei an Multipler Sklerose erkrankten Personen und ihren Angehörigen in der Schweiz
 2009 bis 2012Prevention of Malnutrition in Pediatric Hemato-oncologic Patients